weight loss management

Heal Your Body, Manage Weight with Newark Chinese Medicine

Looking to lose weight in a healthy, sustainable way, especially if you have Type 2 Diabetes? Newark Chinese Medicine offers a holistic approach that focuses on overall well-being, not just the numbers on the scale.

This program is special designed by Dr Yaron Wu, L.A.C., DAOM, for weight loss patients.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for Weight Loss in Newark, California

In TCM, weight gain is often a sign of underlying imbalances. When your body's metabolism isn't functioning optimally, it can lead to fatigue, diabetes management challenges, and weight gain. TCM takes a holistic view of health, similar to managing finances - there are varying degrees of health, just like financial security. Even with normal blood tests, you might experience decreased energy or sluggish metabolism.

Natural Weight Loss Solutions in Newark, USA

Many factors contribute to weight gain, and addressing them is key to success:

    • Sleep: Quality sleep is crucial for weight management. Aim for 7-8 hours of restful sleep to support healthy metabolism.
    • Diet: Balance is key. While calorie control is important, TCM emphasizes warm, cooked foods for better digestion and metabolism compared to cold foods like salads or raw fruits.
    • Exercise: Gentle exercises like Tai Chi are recommended to promote metabolism without stressing the body. Overdoing exercise can be counterproductive.
    • Stress: High stress levels can significantly impact weight loss by affecting circulation and metabolism. Stress management techniques are crucial for overall health.


Acupuncture can be a powerful tool for weight loss by:

  • Boosting Metabolism: Acupuncture stimulates specific points to enhance metabolic processes.
  • Reducing Stress: Acupuncture helps alleviate stress, preventing its negative impact on weight management.
  • Improving Sleep: Better sleep quality through acupuncture leads to a more efficient metabolism.

Experience the Benefits of TCM Weight Loss in Newark

At our Newark Chinese Medicine clinic, we combine acupuncture with Moxa therapy to target the belly area, improving digestion and metabolism. We offer a special one-week trial with up to five visits for $99. Many patients experience significant improvements in metabolism, sleep, and overall health within just a few visits.

Take Charge of Your Health with Newark Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture can be a powerful tool for weight loss and diabetes management. For personalized advice and treatment plans, visit our Newark Chinese Medicine clinic for a consultation. Take advantage of our one-week trial to experience the benefits of TCM firsthand.

Call to Action: Schedule your consultation today and take control of your health naturally!


I lost weight with Dr. Wu's program in 4 weeks, going from 180 pounds to 170 lbs. My sugar levels also dropped from over 120 to below 100; now they range from 85 to 92. Previously, they were consistently around 120. The program worked very well.

Before coming to Dr. Wu, I had tried three different methods inconsistently. I would lose some weight but then gain it back. Since following Dr. Wu's treatment for 4 weeks, I have lost 10 lbs. Additionally, I've been doing light exercises as recommended by Dr. Wu. I've changed my diet based on his instructions. Previously, I used to skip breakfast or eat the same thing every day.

Now, I make sure to have breakfast every morning, and I vary what I eat each day. I've added more variety and ingredients to my breakfast and also to my lunch. For dinner, I eat about half of what I used to, focusing more on eating larger meals earlier in the day. Essentially, I've shifted my larger meal from dinner to breakfast.

So, even though I'm eating similarly overall, I managed to lose 10 lbs. I haven't engaged in heavy exercise, just light exercises. I've noticed improvements in my sleep; I'm getting more deep sleep than before and have more energy. Previously, my feet used to hurt, but now they don't, allowing me to walk around with more ease and energy.

I believe that Dr. Wu's metabolism enhancement program, along with moxa heating therapy and acupuncture, has been instrumental in my progress. It's been the right approach for me, and I've seen significant improvements. In fact, my pants have become looser, and I estimate I've lost 1.5 to 2 inches from my waistband.
- Jitendra Pal, California


TCM recognizes different weight gain patterns, each requiring a customized approach:

Weak Type
Characterized by chronic fatigue and sluggish metabolism. Responds well to acupuncture but may require a longer treatment plan.
Dampness Type
Marked by a prominent belly and slow metabolism. May benefit from herbal remedies alongside acupuncture.
Tension Type
Often seen in individuals with high stress levels, leading to poor circulation and metabolism. Acupuncture can help release tension and improve overall health.
Sleep Type
Poor sleep quality hinders weight loss. Acupuncture and Moxa therapy can improve sleep and, consequently, metabolism.
Lymph Node System
Stress can disrupt the lymphatic system, affecting metabolism. Acupuncture can improve lymphatic flow, aiding in weight loss and overall health.

DISCLAIMER: These statements have NOT been evaluated by the FDA. The programs and products described herein are NOT intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always consult your physician or healthcare professional before starting this or any other health and wellness program.

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