health tips


Did you know that salad is the worst food for type 2 diabetes and weight loss in the long run?

If you've been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, you're probably looking at food in a new way. You've probably heard that diet is a big part of managing your blood sugar levels and weight, but did you know that salad is the worst food for type 2 diabetes in the long term?

Sure, eating salads may make your sugar level better next morning due to less intake of carbohydrates and so on.

But in the long run, raw foods like salad can actually make blood sugar levels spike even higher than they were before. It's not because of the lettuce—it's because when you eat any raw foods, your body has to work harder to digest them than if they were cooked or processed.  That means more energy expended just breaking down your food!

Human beings have been using fire to cook food since we first started walking upright, and there's a reason for that. Cooking food is a great way to break down the structure of food outside your body, which helps humans live longer lives.

In Chinese medicine, the body is considered "weak" when it comes to digesting raw food—especially those who suffer from diabetes Type 2. So if you're looking to reverse your diabetes and lower your HA1c levels, you'll want to focus on rebuilding your energy by raising your metabolism rate.

If you continue this habit of eating raw foods, your body will wear out gradually. So stop eating salad for your blood sugar level!

Did you know there is no way you can improve your blood sugar level if you cannot fix your sleep problems or sleep quality?

Do you know if you want to reverse your type 2 diabetes, you have to fix your sleep problem or guarantee your sleep time. The reason is in the daytime, most circulation is provided to our brain, heart, lungs and our limbs - if we are physically working or exercising. 

Only during sleep, the brain shuts down 70%, the heart and lungs slow down 40%, and our limbs stop moving, all the extra blood comes to our belly for metabolism. If you don't get enough sleep, then you will feel tired. If you have sleep issues and don't get enough sleep, then there is no way for you to reverse your diabetes in the long run.

Did you know that releasing tension in your body is the only way to naturally decrease your insulin resistance for Type 2 diabetes?

Did you know stress or body tension is a big contribution for type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance? If you're feeling stressed, your body will feel it too. A chronic mental stress is like a fist that's clamped too tight, which can cause circulation problems and eventually lead to a loss of function in your hand. The same thing happens when you have long-term mental stress: it affects your body tension, which affects your overall circulation for your health and contributes to diabetes. 

So many people who have diabetes with insulin resistance see their blood sugar levels drop after getting acupuncture treatments that help relieve stress and muscle tension. In addition to feeling or seeing the muscle loosen up and relax, you may notice that your skin becomes smoother and softer, and you age less quickly. This is especially true for women.

Did you know that if you have Type 2 diabetes and a big belly, then weight loss is essential for improving your blood sugar level?

Do you know why weight loss has such a huge impact on type 2 diabetes? Chinese medicine believes that the huge belly is not fat, but "dampness," just like a muddy road slows down a car's driving speed. The extra few pounds in your body slow down your body processes and also, as we age, our metabolism rate naturally goes down. 

So if you want to reverse type 2 diabetes through improving your metabolism rate, you will lose weight as a bonus. But avoid aggressive weight loss as you might lose weight, but for most weight loss programs, it will also slow down your metabolism rate as an outcome, and cause more trouble for diabetes in the long run.

Did you know that diet coke is worse than regular Coke for diabetes patients?

For diabetes patients, diet coke is worse than regular Coke. If you drink a can of Coca-Cola, you're consuming as much sugar as you would from 5 sugar cubes. If you were to eat those five cubes of sugar by themselves, or if you were to add that much sugar into your tea, it would be a lot. But drinking a bottle or can of Coke is even worse. You're not only consuming all the sugars in the can, but also all the water and other ingredients in the drink.

And diet coke isn't any better! Diet soda may have less sugar than regular soda—but it has an ingredient called aspartame that tricks your body into craving more food. It's just like when you eat something sweet: your body wants more nutrition to balance out the sweetness. So when someone drinks diet soda, they often end up eating an energy bar or craving something else that will satisfy their hunger.

So yes, diet coke might give you less sugar overall—but it creates a leftover which most likely will make you end up eating more than if you'd just drank regular soda instead!

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